All you need for the Security System.


Today, CCTV systems offer unlimited ways of usage in a wide range of fields, from traditional video surveillance, through control or management of work processes, access control, people counting, marketing analysis, alarm security, fire security, full traffic control, parking solutions, logistics centres, smart cities or border protection on land in air or water…

Whether you’re looking for a simple home system or the most demanding solution, our team will advise and support you at all stages of project preparation, implementation and maintenance.

We proudly represent the best of the best world’s manufacturers and in partnership with them, we provide you with a with a top-notch user experience even in the most demanding areas of application.


Fire safety is by any means the most sensitive security area, as the reliability, efficiency and proper functioning of fire alarm systems can be crucial in situations where seconds may prevent huge material damage or even loss of human lives.

This is undoubtedly the reason why in our business group we pay special attention to this area. We attentively select the manufacturers whose products and solutions we offer to our users, as well as we carefully choose partners who will plan, install operate and maintain our solutions.

We cooperate exclusively with the best manufacturers and also with the best Slovenian System Integrators, who not only have all the official certifications, but are also highly educated and authorized by the manufacturers of individual programs.

We are offering state of the art solutions of any size and in any area of application.


Protivlomni alarmni sistemi so rešitve za odkrivanje vdorov in nepooblaščenih vstopov v stavbe ali prostore. Sodobni alarmni sistemi se več funkcijsko povezujejo z drugimi pametnimi rešitvami in omogočajo oddaljeno upravljanje tako sistema samega, kot tudi rešitev pametne hiše, kontrole pristopa in številne druge uporabne aplikacije.

Nabor naših rešitev omogoča zunanje in notranje varovanje, pametno upravljanje in integracijo, detekcijo dima, izlitja vode, plina in številne druge aplikacije, uporabne za vsak dom ali poslovni prostor. Na voljo so žični in brezžični sistemi, ki lahko zadovoljijo potrebe vseh vrst uporabnikov, od hišne uporabe, preko varovanja poslovnih ali trgovskih prostorov, do zaščite spomeniško zaščitenih objektov in najzahtevnejših industrijskih, bančnih ali vojaških poslopij, kjer ni prostora za nezanesljivost ali lažni alarme.


The intercom provides the user with a safe and effective way of controlling and allowing visitors to enter the yard, house, building or other premises. The video intercom transmits a crystal-clear image of the visitor to the internal screen and, unlike conventional video surveillance, enables two-way communication between the homeowner and the visitor. Modern systems allow remote control, integration with other systems such as video surveillance, alarm or smart house. In this way you can use the intercom remotely, via your smartphone and open the door to a visitor even if you are not at the facility.

Various wired or Wi-Fi video intercom systems in our offer provide complete solutions for apartments, single- or multi-apartment houses, buildings, kindergartens, schools, business premises, etc...


The sound system provides a pleasant audio experience, additional audio solutions and appropriate information and guidance in the event of a fire evacuation.

Our solutions enable integration, management and control with other safety systems. Managing only one, Central Management System is a great benefit for the user.

We can prepare solutions for the most demanding facilities in accordance with all legal standards.

EAS – Electronic Article Surveillance

Napredna tehnologija, sodoben design in vsesplošna zanesljivost sistemov varovanja vam bodo omogočili, da boste lahko pripravili najboljšo rešitev za vsako trgovino, od najmanjših do največjih.

Povezava v celostne sisteme varovanja, upravljanje le teh na daljavo, možnost integracije z marketinškimi orodji in še veliko več prednosti pred drugimi…

Vse vrste varoval in pripomočkov za sodobno varovanje trgovskega blaga, od nalepk in varoval do najboljših stojal za varovanje artiklov na predstavitvenih policah v trgovinah…

Popolnoma nevidne ali najelegantnejše antene, najnaprednejši sistemi varoval nepremagljivi za nepridiprave, rešitve za knjižnice…

Za vas pripravimo ponudbo na podlagi natančnih potreb naročnika in zahtev prostora.


Access control systems enable tailor-made solutions. Depending on the client’s needs we can prepare smart solutions for numerous areas of application.

Our equipment will enable access authorization based on the use of an access code, cards, fingerprints, face recognition or a combination of these.

Thermal units accurately and reliably measure a person’s temperature and are an indispensable element of access control nowadays.

All advanced access control terminals connect to video surveillance systems, burglar alarms, mechanical gate control systems, fire systems, etc. Of course, these can also connect to company employee attendance programs.

Stand -alone or as part of a complex system, our solutions will solve your problems from opening a home door without a key, to the most demanding control at points such as airports, hospitals, military or other demanding facilities.


Contactless skin surface temperature measurement provides a safe way of inspection in public areas along with a wide range of applications with access control or video surveillance systems.

In today’s world, reliable, fast and safe temperature measurement has become an unavoidable need at the entrances to business premises, schools, kindergartens, shopping malls, hospitals, airports and many other places.

A set of tools of our partners will provide an optimal solution according to the user’s needs, the required number of measurements over time or at once, the flow of the passage where the measurement is performed, the distance from which we want to perform measurement or the connection of measuring equipment with other security systems. We offer hand-held meters that can be used by security guards at patrols or temporary checkpoints, stand-alone thermal units for easy application to access control systems, or the most complex thermal cameras that can measure the temperature of many people at once.

Reliability and speed of measurement are extremely important, so we have selected only proven solutions for you.

Call us for a presentation!


Exactly! Tailor-made solutions for YOU!

Present us your needs, wishes or ideas and we will engage top experts, who will prepare a solution exactly to your needs.

We are looking forward to the challenges!


No matter how good and powerful the cameras are, if the image is screened on a poor monitor, the level of security will be significantly lower, as valuable details will be lost. This is why we pay a lot of attention to this sensitive security area.

In our offer you will find a wide range of professional CCTV monitors / displays, from home solutions, to the most demanding Monitoring Centres and for the most sensitive tasks.

We also offer Video Walls for Control Centres or for commercial use, interactive screens for shopping centres, info boards, large screens for outdoor use and much more.


Our Vendors offer full range of products needed for parking or traffic control. Our partners professionally install and integrate them into comprehensive technical security systems.

We prepare everything for your parking lot, from entrance control with License Plate Recognition, through traffic and free parking spaces control and signalization with state-of-the-art cameras, to digital signage monitors for traffic information or advertising usage.

Complex systems enable traffic surveillance in every area, even at the most demanding points, such as tunnels or inspection of vehicles undercarriage at entrances points of sensitive facilities. Radar-guided cameras, plate recognition, vehicle recognition, speed measurement, traffic counting, detection of irregularities or traffic hazards, smoke, fire or intrusion detection, cameras for use in public transport vehicles, on trains, aerial control, equipment for state-of-the-art surveillance centres and anything else that may require a first-class traffic safety concept.  

We will monitor and support your project in all phases of preparation and implementation.


Simplify your life with Smart Home solutions and customize your business environment or home according to your needs.

Connect multiple systems and devices into systems that will bring comfort and safety of your living to a whole new level.

Present your wishes or ideas to us and we will help you making them true, in cooperation with our partners.


A wide range of network equipment, cabinets, cables and many other elements will provide you with everything you need to implement your system. We always have a large range of power supplies, converters, batteries and other accessories in stock.

Are you looking for a special equipment? Do you need Led flashes or special Sounders?

We can offer you much more than that. Contact us…


Combined with access control elements to identify cards, persons, access codes, finger prints or other parameters that allow a person to access, barrier control items are another part of the solution that will provide a secure, reliable or robust solution to the protected facility. Mechanical barriers are especially important for the overall appearance of a building, they must be strong and reliable, and at the same time superbly designed, as they are used at the entrances to offices, commercial or protocol buildings.

Our partners offer all types of top-quality systems, and the solution will be prepared for each client individually.